Barcode Integrators serving Ohio including Cleveland, Akron, Youngstown, Michigan and Western PA. Barcode Scanners

Barcode Verifiers
Thermal Transfer Ribbons and Labels


Fixed Scanners
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Barcode Integrators offers a wide variety of Data Management services, including the following:


Integration Services

From individual data management devices, to complete turn-key data collection, warehouse management, and work in process (WIP) services, we do it all.  We combine PC's, Software, Scanners, Printers, and more into a comprehensive solution.  For examples of some of our systems, please visit our Applications page, then call to discuss YOUR application!



Integration of barcode technology depends on more than hardware and software.

It depends on people who are knowledgeable about the automatic ID industry, and understand your needs and concerns. The need to improve is where Barcode Integrators begins its consulting services. We listen to our customers’ needs and then put our years of experience and integration resources to work to provide the most cost effective business solutions.


Compliance Labels

We Can Print Your Compliance Labels!

* Retail * AIAG * Logmars *Custom

We offer top-quality, preprinted thermal transfer labels designed and imprinted per your customer’s specification. Prompt turnaround and competitively priced, one-color or 4-color process printed labels. $50 minimum order. Call for pricing.


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Web site design by ZTI